Extracts of an exclusive interview by the Howard Green, from Canada's Business News Network with Maurice Strong. Mirian Vilela, Earth Charter International, asks Maurice Strong to speak about his motivation in life. Mirian Vilela, Earth Charter International, interviews Maurice Strong on peace and sustainability. Mirian Vilela, Earth Charter International, interviews Maurice Strong about the significance of the Earth Charter. Interview with Maurice Strong, former Secretary General of the 92 Earth Summit and Earth Charter Commissioner, on Climate Change by Mirian Vilela, Earth Charter International. Maurice Strong on climate change and developments since the 1972 UN conference on the Human Environment. In 2003, Maurice Strong was presented with the 2003 Distinguished Canadian Leadership Award. The video, featured below, has been provided through the courtesy of the University of Ottawa. For information, go to: http://www.canadianleadership.uottawa.ca/recipients_details-2-e.html Extracts of a discussion between Maurice Strong and Qu Geping, Chairman, China Environmental Protection Foundation (2004). Strong talks about the controversial issues surrounding the globalization of the world environmental movement. He recalls his family background and how he became interested in social and environmental issues. Maurice Strong addresses students at the University of Beijing (2004). Read more: Speech at Beijing University: "A student all my life" Maurice Strong, in conversation with television producer, Harold Hudson Channer, who has videotaped and aired over 2,400 in-depth conversations in his public access cable television series. |