This page explains how the Manitou Foundation uses any information visitors gives to us on the website ('') and the ways in which we protect visitors’ privacy. The website is managed by Changeways International on behalf of the Manitou Foundation, a registered not-for-profit.
The Data Protection Act
Under the Data Protection Act, we have a legal duty to protect any information we collect from you. We use appropriate technologies to safeguard your data, and keep strict security standards to prevent any unauthorised access to it. We do not pass on your details to any third party unless you give us permission to do so. We do not send you subsequent communications unless you give us permission to do so.
What information do we collect?
We use user contact information from the ‘contact us’ form to send the visitor information or materials requested by the visitor. The visitor's contact information is also used to contact the visitor when necessary, for example, to fulfill a query.
Our online contact, surveys and campaign forms may ask visitors for contact information (like their email address) and demographic information (like their post code, organisation, country and e-mail address).
We may use "session cookies" on our website, which are able to store some of the visitor’s "preferences" and information entered into forms while they move around the site. Cookies are pieces of data created when users visit a website. Visitors can set their computer not to accept cookies. Session cookies are deleted when visitors leave the site. They do not contain any personal information about users, and do not hold any information about which sites they visited before the website.
We collect log file information from all our visitors, which we use to make changes to the layout of the site and to the information in it, based on the way visitors move around it. Log files allow us to record visitors' use of the site. Our hosting provider uses the log file information to provide us with website usage information.
What happens when visitors link to another site? website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy applies only to our site, so visitors should always be aware when they are moving to another site and read the privacy statement of any site which collects personal information.
We do not pass on any personal information about our visitors to any other site.
Access to your information
The information we hold will be accurate and up to date. Visitors can check the information that we hold about them by e-mailing us. If visitors find any inaccuracies we will delete or correct it promptly.
Changes to this privacy policy
If this privacy policy changes in any way, we will place an updated version on this page. Regularly reviewing this page ensures visitors are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances, if any, we will share it with other parties.